Monday, December 30, 2019

William Golding s Lord Of The Flies - 2104 Words

William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 in Cornwall, England (Editors n.p.). Golding was educated early with his father a schoolmaster and attempting his first novel at the age of 12 years old (Editors n.p.). Golding turned to bullying because his writings did not work out and he enjoyed beating up on other children (Editors n.p.). He attended Oxford University studying English Literature and he published his first book before he graduated (Editors n.p.). Golding saw himself aboard a ship for six years with the Royal Navy during World War II (Editors n.p.). Golding wrote the novel, Lord of The flies, upon mans struggle between good and evil, which set up his future writings (Editors n.p.). Civility and Savagery societies exhibit Leadership, organization, and Laws in different ways, but both societies exhibit different traditions. Golding based Lord of The Flies off of his experience as well as his studies on the true human nature. Organization distinguishes civility and savage ry apart by improving civility and completely tearing down savagery. Laws set savagery and civility apart by upholding sanity and rule throughout the two ways of life. Leadership is exhibited differently throughout civility and savagery, but leadership is pivotal for both societies to survive. Because organization, leadership, and laws are implemented for the good of the people in a civilized society, those who do not follow a civilized plan lack healthy structure and become savages.Show MoreRelatedWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1263 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Paper: Lord of the Flies William Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, symbolically, how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies752 Words   |  4 Pagespossible, so a five year old who teases others to Adolf Hitler would be classified as perpetrators of evil. Lord of the Flies is a fictional story about a group of British boys who get stranded on island. The author of the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding, showcases Zimbardo’s ideas in his story. Zimbardo did not form his theory Through the character development of Jack and Roger, Golding illustrates the intensity of evil when one is impacted by situational forces. Before Ralph and Piggy unifiesRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1869 Words   |  8 PagesEssay Outline – Unit 11 Introductory paragraph: Topic Sentence (includes the book title and author) The novel Lord of the flies by William Golding is a type of literature that revolves around an anti-war theme. Main Points that will be discussed in the essay presented in order of weakest to strongest: 1. Lord of the flies was written during WWII and one of the manifestations is the dead man in the parachute presumably a victim of a bombed plane. 2. Faction among the group which is similar toRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1282 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, this can be seen how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of the novel can be seen as the motherRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1389 Words   |  6 PagesA response to Lord Of The Flies Imagine an airplane crash. The heat of flames scorch passengers’ backs in addition to the wind burning their faces. Lucky, this crash was over water and near an island so most passengers survive, with an exception of the airplane staff and the pilot. Even though alive, many are in fits of fear and panic, and others are in shock. After hurried deliberation, a lone member of the group is elected leader in hopes that they will calm the panic, and make the hard, but necessaryRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1315 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies was set somewhere on the timeline of World War Two, a war between the Axis and the Allies lasting from 1939 until 1945. Although WWII was fought between many countries in the Pacific and Europe, the main contender was Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. Hitler and his followers, the Nazis, changed the lives of everyone when they attempted to strengthen Germany and brought out all the evil and ugli ness in the world. After WWII, nothing would be able to change theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies886 Words   |  4 Pageshow to live their lives not knowing what s right or wrong. Everyone has a different opinion towards different things. Some say gun laws should be banned while some say they want a gun in their house. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding there are clear aspects of leadership shown within the characterization between Jack and Ralph. I m chief, said Ralph, because you chose me. And we were going to keep the fire going. Now you run after food- (Golding 150). There is evident conflict between theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1672 Words   |  7 Pages The Different Social Cognition of the Similar Stories — Synthesis essay of Lord of the Flies Final Project With the development of British culture, the format of Desert Island Literature has an inevitable connection with the geographical and culture heritage of the development of British history. Generally speaking, the setting of such literature is basically around an isolated island which is far from human society. The characters usually follow a primary lifestyle so that illustrate the courageRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words   |  7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Golding’s experienceRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1776 Words   |  8 PagesMaybe the beast is us (Golding 85), in the novel, Lord of the Flies, by author William Golding, Golding uses the entire book as social commentary. The social aspect he focuses on is man’s ability to be evil and destructive. William Golding uses three specific literary devices to convey this idea; characterization, diction and symbolism. Lord of the Flies explains man s capacity for evil which is revealed in his inherent human nature, which he cannot control or ignore. The hidden evil within

Saturday, December 21, 2019

African Americans The Treatment Of Minority Athletes

A synopsis of racism in American Sports The treatment of minority athletes, particularly African Americans has been a grave issue in American sports for decades. More than fifty years ago, to be a colored person playing a so- called â€Å"white sport,† meant that it was an unfortunate fact that inequality, prejudices and racial discrimination came along with that territory, and it is also an unfortunate fact that some of those racial tensions are yet in full, modernized effect today. African- American starting five, or starting lineman, being told what to do, when, and how to do it by their Caucasian coaches, and general managers, are in sync with past century notions of African- American slaves being under total dominion and authority of†¦show more content†¦Although, Glory Road may seem to be solely about the challenges that African Americans faced in the white bastion of mid-century college sport, it also contributes greatly to the larger genre of white-centered sports films. The team s triumph and victo ry marks a new era in collegiate basketball, and insinuates the beginning of what colored people thought would be the end of racial discrimination in the United States. Joshua Pitts, and Daniel Yost go on, by way of field study research, to elaborate on racial position segregation, or racial â€Å"stacking† in intercollegiate football. By estimating a probit model, an approximation was made on the impact that an athlete s race could have on the probability of him or her changing positions when transitioning from high school to the collegiate ranks. Racial position segregation refers to the phenomenon of white and African American players being relegated to certain types of positions on a team. Pitts and Yost state that â€Å"the broad wage gap between African- American athletes, and white athletes is primarily considered a ‘within-plant’ phenomenon, meaning that white athletes tend to occupy the higher paid positions on a team or firm† (Pitts, Yost, 208) . By viewing a team as a firm, the issue can be considered a case of interfirm segregation andShow MoreRelatedThe General Public s View Of African American Athletes Essay1184 Words   |  5 PagesFor my future study I would like to research how these articles effects the general public’s view of African American athletes. I would do this by surveying groups of classrooms, students around campus, and showing them athletes. I would show them both African American athletes and White Athletes. I would ask them how they feel about these athletes, why they feel this way about them, and what have they heard about them in the media. After collecting this data, and gathering my conclusion from itRead MoreRacism At The University Of Mississippi1233 Words   |  5 Pagesuniversity but the stench of racism still looms at the well-known college. The racism displayed at this university is undeniable and very visible which in result scares away many diverse students. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Spirit Bound Chapter Six Free Essays

string(89) " could tell the sun was starting to bother Lissa by the time we reached our destination\." â€Å"YOU KNOW WHAT WE NEED?† I was sitting between Eddie and Lissa, on our flight from Seattle to Fairbanks. As the shortest–marginally–and the mastermind, I’d gotten stuck with the middle seat. â€Å"A new plan?† asked Lissa. We will write a custom essay sample on Spirit Bound Chapter Six or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"A miracle?† asked Eddie. I paused and glared at them both before responding. Since when had they become the comedians here? â€Å"No. Stuff. We need cool gadgets if we’re going to pull this off.† I tapped the prison blueprint that had been on my lap for almost every part of our trip so far. Mikhail had dropped us off at a small airport an hour away from the Court. We’d caught a commuter flight from there to Philadelphia, and from there to Seattle and now Fairbanks. It reminded me a little of the crazy flights I’d had to take from Siberia back to the U.S. That journey had also gone via Seattle. I was starting to believe that city was a gateway to obscure places. â€Å"I thought the only tools we needed were our wits,† mused Eddie. He might be serious about his guardian work most of the time, but he could also turn on his dry humor when relaxed. Not that he was totally at ease with our mission here, now that he knew more of (but not all) the details. I knew he’d snap back into readiness once we landed. He’d been understandably shocked when I’d revealed we were freeing Victor Dashkov. I hadn’t told Eddie anything about Dimitri or spirit, only that getting Victor out played a larger role in the greater good. Eddie’s trust in me was so implicit that he’d taken me at my word and pursued the issue no further. I wondered how he’d react when he learned the truth. â€Å"At the very least, we’re going to need a GPS,† I said. â€Å"There’s only latitude and longitude on this thing. No real directions.† â€Å"Shouldn’t be hard,† said Lissa, turning a bracelet over and over in her hands. She’d opened her tray and spread out Tasha’s jewelry across it. â€Å"I’m sure even Alaska has modern technology.† She’d also turned on a droll attitude, even with anxiety radiating through the bond. Eddie’s good mood faded a little. â€Å"I hope you aren’t thinking of guns or anything like that.† â€Å"No. Absolutely not. If this works how we want, no one will even know we’re there.† A physical confrontation was likely, but I hoped to minimize serious injury. Lissa sighed and handed me the bracelet. She was worried because a lot of my plan depended on her charms–literally and figuratively. â€Å"I don’t know if this’ll work, but maybe it’ll give you more resistance.† I took the bracelet and slipped it on my wrist. I felt nothing, but I only rarely did with charmed objects. I’d left Adrian a note saying that Lissa and I had wanted to escape for a â€Å"girls’ getaway† before my assignment and her college visit. I knew he’d be hurt. The girl angle would carry a lot of weight, but he’d feel injured at not being invited along on a daring vacation–if he even believed we were on one. He probably knew me well enough by now to guess most of my actions had ulterior motives. My hope was that he’d spread the story to Court officials when our disappearance was noticed. We’d still get in trouble, but a wild weekend was better than a prison break. And honestly, how could things get worse for me? The one flaw here was that Adrian could visit my dreams and grill me on what was really going on. It was one of the more interesting–and occasionally annoying–spirit abilities. Lissa hadn’t le arned to walk dreams, but she had a crude understanding of the principle. Between that and compulsion, she’d tried to charm the bracelet in a way that would block Adrian when I slept later. The plane began its descent into Fairbanks, and I gazed out the window at tall pines and stretches of green land. In Lissa’s thoughts, I read how she’d been half-expecting glaciers and snowbanks, despite knowing it was full summer here. After Siberia, I’d learned to keep an open mind about regional stereotypes. My biggest concern was the sun. It had been full daylight when we’d left the Court, and as our travels took us west, the time zone change meant that the sun stayed with us. Now, though it was almost nine in the evening, we had a full, sunny blue sky, thanks to our northern latitude. It was like a giant safety blanket. I hadn’t mentioned this to Lissa or Eddie, but it seemed likely Dimitri would have spies everywhere. I was untouchable at St. Vladimir’s and the Court, but his letters had clearly stated he’d be waiting for me to leave those boundaries. I didn’t know the extent of his logistics, but humans watching the Court in daylight wouldn’t have surprised me. And even though I’d left hidden in a trunk, there was a strong possibility that Dimitri was already in pursuit. But the same light that guarded the prisoners would keep us safe too. We’d barely have a few hours of night to guard against, and if we pulled this off quickly, we’d be out of Alaska in hardly any time at all. Of course, that might not be such a good thing. We’d lose the sun. Our first complication came after we landed and tried to rent a car. Eddie and I were eighteen, but none of the car companies would rent to anyone so young. After the third refusal, my anger began to grow. Who would have thought we’d be delayed by something so idiotic? Finally, at a fourth counter, the woman hesitantly told us that there was a guy about a mile from the airport who would likely rent us a car if we had a credit card and a big enough deposit. We made the walk in pleasant weather, but I could tell the sun was starting to bother Lissa by the time we reached our destination. You read "Spirit Bound Chapter Six" in category "Essay examples" Bud–of Bud’s Rental Cars–didn’t seem quite as sleazy as expected and did indeed rent us a car when we produced enough money. From there, we got a room at a modest motel and went over our plans again. All our information indicated that the prison ran on a vampire schedule, which meant this was their active time of the day. Our plan was to stay in the hotel until the following day, when the Moroi â€Å"night† came, and catch some sleep beforehand. It gave Lissa more time to work on her charms. Our room was easily defendable. My sleep was Adrian-free, for which I was grateful, meaning he’d either accepted the girl trip or couldn’t break through Lissa’s bracelet. In the morning, we rustled up some doughnuts for breakfast and ate a little bleary-eyed. Running against our vampire schedule was throwing us all off a little. The sugar helped kick-start us, though, and Eddie and I left Lissa around ten to go do some scouting. We bought my coveted GPS and a few other things at a sporting goods store along the way and used it to navigate remote country roads that seemed to lead nowhere. When the GPS claimed we were a mile from the prison, we pulled off to the side of a small dirt road and set off on foot across a field of tall grass that stretched endlessly before us. â€Å"I thought Alaska was tundra,† said Eddie, crunching through the tall stalks. The sky was blue and clear again, with only a few clouds that did nothing to keep the sun away. I’d started out in a light jacket but now had it tied around my waist as I sweated. Occasionally a welcome gust of wind would roll through, flattening the grass and whipping my hair around. â€Å"I guess not all parts. Or maybe we have to go further north. Oh, hey. This looks promising.† We came to a stop before a high, barbwire fence with an enormous PRIVATE PROPERTY–NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ALLOWED sign on it. The lettering was red, apparently to emphasize how serious they were. Personally, I would have added a skull and crossbones to really drive the message home. Eddie and I studied the fence for a few moments, then gave each other resigned glances. â€Å"Lissa will heal up anything we get,† I said hopefully. Climbing barbed wire isn’t impossible, but it’s not fun. Tossing my jacket on the wires I had to grip went a long way to protect me, but I still ended up with some scratches and snagged clothing. Once I was at the top, I jumped down, preferring the jolting landing to another climb down. Eddie did the same, grimacing at the hard impact. We walked a little farther, and then the dark line of a building came into sight. We both came to a halt as one and knelt down, seeking what coverage we could in the grass. The prison file had indicated that they had cameras on the outside, which meant we risked detection if we got too close. I’d bought high-power binoculars along with the GPS and took them out now, studying the building’s exterior. The binoculars were good–really good–as well they should have been for the price. The level of detail was amazing. Like so many Moroi creations, the building was a mixture of the old and the new. The walls were made of sinister gray stone blocks and almost entirely obscured the actual prison, whose roof just barely peeped above. A couple of figures paced along the top of the walls, living eyes to go with the cameras. The place looked like a fortress, impenetrable and inescapable. It deserved to be on a rocky cliff, with a sinister black sky behind it. The field and sun seemed out of place. I handed the binoculars to Eddie. He made his own assessment and then gestured to the left. â€Å"There.† Squinting, I just barely made out a truck or SUV driving up toward the prison. It went around the back and vanished from sight. â€Å"Our only way in,† I murmured, recalling the blueprint. We knew we had no shot of scaling the walls or even getting close enough on foot without being spotted. We needed to literally walk through the front door, and that’s where the plan got a little sketchy. Eddie lowered the binoculars and glanced over at me, brow furrowed. â€Å"I meant what I said before, you know. I trust you. Whatever reason you’re doing this, I know it’s a good one. But before things start moving, are you sure this is what you want?† I gave a harsh laugh. â€Å"Want? No. But it’s what we need to do.† He nodded. â€Å"Good enough.† We watched the prison a while longer, moving around to get different angles while still keeping a wide perimeter. The scenario was about what we’d expected, but having a 3-D visual was still helpful. After about a half hour, we returned to the hotel. Lissa sat cross-legged on one of the beds, still working on the charms. The feelings coming through her were warm and content. Spirit always made her feel good–even if it had side effects later–and she thought she was making progress. â€Å"Adrian called my cell phone twice,† she told me when we entered. â€Å"But you didn’t answer?† â€Å"Nope. Poor guy.† I shrugged. â€Å"It’s better this way.† We gave her a rundown of what we’d seen, and her happy mood began to plummet. Our visit made what we were going to do later today more and more real, and working with so much spirit had already put her on edge. A few moments later, I sensed her swallowing her fear. She became resolved. She’d told me she would do this and she intended to stand by her word, even though she dreaded each second that brought her closer to Victor Dashkov. Lunch followed, and then a few hours later, it was time to put the plan into motion. It was early evening for humans, which meant the vampiric night would be drawing to an end soon. It was now or never. Lissa nervously distributed the charms she’d made for us, worried they wouldn’t work. Eddie dressed up in his newly bestowed black-and-white guardian formalwear while Lissa and I stayed in our street clothes–with a couple alterations. Lissa’s hair was a mousy brown, the result of some wash-in temporary hair color. My hair was tightly bound up underneath a curly red wig that reminded me uncomfortably of my mother. We sat in the backseat of the car while Eddie drove us chauffeur style back along the remote road we’d followed earlier. Unlike before, we didn’t pull over. We stayed on the road, driving right up to the prison–or, well, to its gatehouse. No one spoke as we drove, but the tension and anxiety within us all grew and grew. Before we could even get near the outer wall, there was a checkpoint manned by a guardian. Eddie brought the car to a stop, and I tried to look calm. He lowered the window, and the guardian on duty walked over and knelt so that they were at eye level. â€Å"What’s your business here?† Eddie handed over a piece of paper, his attitude confident and unconcerned, as though this were perfectly normal. â€Å"Dropping off new feeders.† The file had contained all sorts of forms and papers for prison business, including status reports and order forms for supplies–like feeders. We’d made a copy of one of the feeder requisition forms and filled it out. â€Å"I wasn’t notified of a delivery,† the guardian said, not suspicious so much as puzzled. He peered at the paperwork. â€Å"This is an old form.† Eddie shrugged. â€Å"It’s just what they gave me. I’m kind of new at this.† The man grinned. â€Å"Yeah, you barely look old enough to be out of school.† He glanced toward Lissa and me, and despite my practiced control, I tensed. The guardian frowned as he studied us. Lissa had given me a necklace, and she’d taken a ring, both charmed with a slight compulsion spell to make others think we were human. It would have been much easier to make her victim wear a charm and force them to think they were seeing humans, but that wasn’t possible. The magic was harder this way. He squinted, almost like he was looking at us through a haze. If the charms had worked perfectly, he wouldn’t have given us a second glance. The charms were a little flawed. They were changing our appearances but not quite as clearly as we’d hoped. That was why we’d gone to the trouble of altering our hair: if the human-illusion failed, we’d still have some identity protection. Lissa readied herself to work direct compulsion, though we’d hoped it wouldn’t come to that with every person we met. A few moments later, the guardian turned from us, apparently deciding we were human after all. I exhaled and unclenched my fists. I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding them. â€Å"Hang on a minute, and I’ll call this in,† he told Eddie. The guardian stepped away and picked up a phone inside his booth. Eddie glanced back at us. â€Å"So far so good?† â€Å"Aside from the old form,† I grumbled. â€Å"No way to know if my charm’s working?† asked Eddie. Lissa had given him one of Tasha’s rings, charmed to make him appear tan-skinned and black-haired. Since she wasn’t altering his race, the magic only needed to blur his features. Like our human charms, I suspected it wasn’t projecting the exact image she’d hoped for, but it should have altered his appearance enough that no one would identify Eddie later. With our resistance to compulsion–and knowing there was a charm in place, which negated its effects on us–Lissa and I couldn’t say for certain what he looked like to others. â€Å"I’m sure it’s fine,† said Lissa reassuringly. The guardian returned. â€Å"They say go on in, and they’ll sort it out there.† â€Å"Thanks,† said Eddie, taking the form back. The guard’s attitude implied that he assumed this was a clerical error. He was still diligent, but the idea of someone sneaking feeders into a prison was hardly the kind of thing one would expect–or view as a security risk. Poor guy. Two guardians greeted us when we arrived at the door in the prison’s wall. The three of us got out and were led into the grounds between the wall and the prison itself. Whereas St. Vladimir’s and the Court’s grounds had been lush and filled with plants and trees, the land here was stark and lonely. Not even grass, just hard-packed earth. Was this what served as the prisoners’ â€Å"exercise area†? Were they even allowed outside at all? I was surprised there wasn’t a moat of some sort out here. The inside of the building was as grim as its exterior. The holding cells at Court were sterile and cold, all metal and blank walls. I’d expected something similar. But whoever had designed Tarasov had foregone the modern look and instead emulated the kind of prison one might have found back in Romania in medieval days. The harsh stone walls continued down the hall, gray and foreboding, and the air was chill and damp. It had to make for unpleasant working conditions for the guardians assigned here. Presumably they wanted to ensure the intimidating facade extended everywhere, even for prisoners first entering the gates. According to our blueprint, there was a little section of dorms where employees lived. Hopefully those were nicer. Dark Ages decor or not, we passed the occasional camera as we walked down the hallway. This place’s security was in no way primitive. Occasionally we heard the heavy slamming of a door, but overall, there was a perfect, eerie silence that was almost creepier than shouts and screams. We were taken to the warden’s office, a room that still had the same gloomy architecture yet was filled with the usual administrative accessories: desk, computer, etc. It looked efficient, nothing more. Our escorts explained that we were going to see the assistant warden, since the senior one was still in bed. It figured. The subordinate would have gotten stuck with the night shift. I hoped that meant he was tired and unobservant. Probably not. That rarely happened to guardians, no matter their assignments. â€Å"Theo Marx,† said the assistant warden, shaking Eddie’s hand. He was a dhampir not much older than us, and I wondered if he’d only been freshly assigned here. â€Å"Larry Brown,† replied Eddie. We’d come up with a boring name for him, one that wouldn’t stand out, and had used it in the paperwork. Theo didn’t speak to Lissa and me, but he did give us that same puzzled glance the first guy had as the charm’s glamour attempted its illusion. Another delay followed, but once more, we slipped through. Theo returned his attention to Eddie and took the requisition form. â€Å"This is different from the usual one,† he said. â€Å"I have no clue,† said Eddie apologetically. â€Å"This is my first time.† Theo sighed and glanced at the clock. â€Å"The warden’ll be on duty in another couple hours. I think we’re just going to have to wait until he’s here to figure out what’s going on. Sommerfield’s usually got their act together.† There were a few Moroi facilities in the country that gathered feeders–those on the fringes of human society who were content to spend their lives high on vampire endorphins–and then distributed them. Sommerfield was the name of one such facility, located in Kansas City. â€Å"I’m not the only new person they just received,† Eddie said. â€Å"Maybe someone got confused.† â€Å"Typical,† snorted Theo. â€Å"Well, you might as well have a seat and wait. I can get coffee if you want.† â€Å"When are we getting a feeding?† I suddenly asked, using the whiniest, dreamiest voice I could. â€Å"It’s been so long.† Lissa followed my lead. â€Å"They said we could when we got here.† Eddie rolled his eyes at what was typical feeder behavior. â€Å"They’ve been like this the whole time.† â€Å"I can imagine,† said Theo. â€Å"Humph. Feeders.† The door to his office was partially ajar and he called out of it. â€Å"Hey, Wes? Can you come here?† One of the escort guardians stuck his head inside. â€Å"Yeah?† Theo gave us a dismissive wave. â€Å"Take these two down to the feeding area so they don’t drive us crazy. If someone’s up, they can use them.† Wes nodded and beckoned us out. Eddie and I made the briefest of eye contact. His face betrayed nothing, but I knew he was nervous. Getting Victor out was our job now, and Eddie didn’t like sending us to the dragon’s lair. Wes led us through more doors and security checkpoints as we went deeper into the prison. I realized that for every layer of security I crossed to get in, I was going to have to cross it again to escape. According to the blueprint, the feeding area was situated on the opposite side of the prison. I’d assumed we’d take some route along the periphery, but instead we cut right through the building’s center–where the prisoners were kept. Studying had given me a sense of the layout, but Lissa didn’t realize where we were headed until a sign alerted us: WARNING–NOW ENTERING PRISONER AREA (CRIMINAL). I thought that was an odd wording. Wasn’t everyone in here a criminal? Heavy double doors blocked this section off, and Wes used both an electronic code and a physical key to cross through. Lissa’s pace didn’t change, but I felt her anxiety increase as we entered a long corridor lined with bar-covered cells. I didn’t feel any better about it myself, but Wes–while still alert–didn’t display any sign of fear. He entered this area all the time, I realized. He knew its security. The prisoners might be dangerous, but passing by them was a routine activity for him. Still, peeking inside the cells nearly made my heart stop. The little compartments were as dark and gloomy as anything, containing only bare-bones furnishings. Most of the prisoners were asleep, thankfully. A few, however, watched as we walked by. None of them said anything, but the silence was almost scarier. Some of the Moroi held there looked like ordinary people you’d pass on the street, and I wondered what they could have possibly done to end up here. Their faces were sad, devoid of all hope. I did a double take and realized that some of the prisoners weren’t Moroi; they were dhampirs. It made sense but still caught me off guard. My own kind would have criminals that needed to be dealt with, too. But not all of the prisoners appeared benign. Others looked like they definitely belonged in Tarasov. There was a malevolence about them, a sinister feel as their eyes locked onto us and didn’t let go. They scrutinized our every detail, though for what reason, I couldn’t say. Were they seeking out anything that might offer escape? Could they see through our facades? Were they simply hungry? I didn’t know but felt grateful for the silent guardians posted throughout the hall. I was also grateful that I didn’t see Victor and assumed he lived in a different hall. We couldn’t risk being recognized yet. We finally exited the prisoners’ corridor through another set of double doors and at last reached the feeding area. It too felt like a medieval dungeon, but images had to be kept up for the sake of the prisoners. Decor aside, the feeding room’s layout was similar to what St. Vladimir’s had, except it was smaller. A few cubicles offered moderate privacy, and a bored-looking Moroi guy was reading a book at a desk but looked ready to fall asleep. There was only one feeder in the room, a scraggly-looking, middle-aged human who sat in a chair with a dopey smile on his face, staring at nothing. The Moroi flinched when we entered, his eyes going wide. Clearly, we were the most exciting thing to happen to him all night. He didn’t have that moment of disorientation when he glanced at us; he apparently had low compulsion resistance, which was good to know. â€Å"What’s this?† â€Å"Two new ones just came in,† said Wes. â€Å"But we’re not due,† said the Moroi. â€Å"And we never get ones this young. They always give us the old, used-up ones.† â€Å"Don’t ask me,† said Wes, moving toward the door once he’d indicated seats for Lissa and me. It was clear he found escorting feeders beneath him. â€Å"Marx wants them here until Sullivan gets up. My guess is it’s going to turn out to be a mistake, but they were complaining about needing a fix.† â€Å"Wonderful,† groaned the Moroi. â€Å"Well, our next meal’s due in fifteen minutes, so I can give Bradley over there a break. He’s so gone, I doubt he’d notice if someone else gave blood instead of him.† Wes nodded. â€Å"We’ll call down when we’ve got this straight.† The guardian left, and the Moroi picked up a clipboard with a sigh. I had the feeling everyone here was kind of tired of their jobs. I could understand why. This had to be a miserable place to work. Give me the wider world anytime. â€Å"Who’s due to feed in fifteen minutes?† I asked. The Moroi’s head jerked up in astonishment. It wasn’t the kind of question a feeder asked. â€Å"What did you say?† Lissa stood up and got him in her gaze. â€Å"Answer her question.† The man’s face went slack. He was easy to compel. â€Å"Rudolf Kaiser.† No one either of us recognized. He could have been in here for mass murder or embezzlement for all I knew. â€Å"When’s Victor Dashkov due?† asked Lissa. â€Å"Two hours.† â€Å"Alter the schedule. Tell his guards there’s been a readjustment and he has to come now instead of Rudolf.† The Moroi’s blank eyes–now as dazed looking as Bradley the feeder’s, really–seemed to take a moment to process this. â€Å"Yes,† he said. â€Å"This is something that might happen normally. It won’t raise suspicion.† â€Å"It won’t raise suspicion,† he repeated in a monotone. â€Å"Do it,† she ordered, voice hard. â€Å"Call them, set it up, and do not take your eyes off of me.† The Moroi complied. While speaking on the phone, he identified himself as Northwood. When he disconnected, the arrangements had been made. We had nothing to do but wait now. My entire body was tightly wound with tension. Theo had said we had over an hour until the warden was on duty. No one would ask questions until then. Eddie simply had to kill time with Theo and not raise suspicions behind a paperwork error. Calm down, Rose. You can do this. While we waited, Lissa compelled Bradley the feeder into a heavy sleep. I didn’t want any witnesses, even not drugged ones. Likewise, I turned the room’s camera ever so slightly, so it no longer could see the bulk of the room. Naturally, we’d have to deal with the prison’s entire surveillance system before we left, but for now, we needed no watching security personnel to catch sight of what was about to happen. I had just settled into one of the cubicles when the door opened. Lissa had stayed in her chair near Northwood’s desk, so that she could keep her compulsion on him. We’d instructed him that I would be the feeder. I was enclosed, but through Lissa’s sight, I saw the group enter: two guardians†¦ and Victor Dashkov. The same distress she’d felt when seeing him at her trial shot up within her. Her heart rate increased. Her hands shook. The only thing that had finally calmed her back at the trial was the resolution of it all, knowing Victor would be locked away forever and unable to hurt her again. And now we were about to change all that. Forcibly, Lissa shoved her fear out of her mind so that she could keep her hold on Northwood. The guardians beside Victor were stern and ready for action, though they didn’t really need to be. The sickness that had plagued him for years–the one Lissa had temporarily healed him of–was starting to rear its head again. Lack of exercise and fresh air appeared to have taken a toll too, as had the limited blood prisoners were supposedly given. The guards had him clad in shackles as an extra precaution, and the heavy weight dragged him down, almost making him shuffle. â€Å"Over there,† said Northwood, pointing at me. â€Å"That one.† The guardians led Victor past Lissa, and he barely gave her a second glance. She was working double compulsion: keeping Northwood under her control and using a quick burst to make herself insignificant to Victor when he walked by. The guardians settled him into a chair beside me and then stepped back, still keeping him in sight. One of them struck up conversation with Northwood, noting our newness and youth. If I ever did this again, I’d have Lissa charm us into looking older. Sitting beside me, Victor leaned toward me and opened his mouth. Feedings were so second nature, the motions always the same, that he hardly had to think about what he did. It was like he didn’t even see me. Except, then†¦ he did. He froze, his eyes going wide. Certain characteristics marked the royal Moroi families, and light, jade-green eyes ran amongst both the Dashkovs and the Dragomirs. The weary, resigned look in his disappeared, and the cunning sharpness that so characterized him–the shrewd intellect I knew well–snapped into place. It reminded me eerily of some of the prisoners we’d passed earlier. But he was confused. Like the other people we’d encountered, my charm was muddling his thoughts. His senses told him I was a human†¦ yet the illusion wasn’t perfect. There was also the fact that Victor, as a strong non-spirit compulsion wielder, was relatively resistant to it. And just as Eddie, Lissa, and I had been immune to one another’s charms because we knew our true identities, Victor experienced the same effect. His mind might insist that I was human, but his eyes told him I was Rose Hathaway, even with my wig. And once that knowledge was solidified, the human illusion disappeared for him. A slow, intrigued smile spread over his face, blatantly displaying his fangs. â€Å"Oh my. This might be the best meal I’ve ever had.† His voice was barely audible, covered by the conversation of the others. â€Å"Put your teeth anywhere near me and it’ll be your last meal,† I murmured, voice just as quiet. â€Å"But if you want any chance of getting out of here and seeing the world again, you’ll do exactly what I say.† He gave me a questioning look. I took a deep breath, dreading what I had to say next. â€Å"Attack me.† How to cite Spirit Bound Chapter Six, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tata free essay sample

Tata motors has two major market segment that it aims to penetrate with its line of vehicle that it produces. One target is the low income families and individuals looking to purchase a first car. This target group mostly concentrates itself in the developing nations such as China and India, Tata’s own home country. Tata’s offering of models such as the Nano and the Indica caters for this segment. This target segment also has been the most widely publicized target of Tata Motors. The other segment Tata targets is on the complete opposite side of the economic spectrum. This target segment also has been the most widely publicized target of Tata’s. Tata’s second target segment is the wealthy individuals and families looking to purchase luxurious cars. Tata targets this group with their offering of Land Rover and Jaguar lines of automobiles. Both of these highly recognized and respected brand name vehicles were recently acquired by Tata from Ford Motors in 2008. We will write a custom essay sample on Tata or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order to cater itself to two such divergent groups, Tata motors offers different value proposition to each. The value proposition it offers to the first group, the low income individuals and families, is to offer a line of vehicles that are affordable while still being safe. This value proposition was clearly evident and communicated when the Nano was announced for release in 2009. However, since then the Nano has become somewhat of publicity nightmare for Tata as it failed to deliver these proposed value propositions and satisfy its consumers. This unfortunate event became widely publisized in front of an eager world audience still awe struck at Tata’s initial daring proposition. In reality, Nano’s market price started at $2900, a whopping 45% increase from the initial suggested price of $2000 (Bajaj, 2010). Nano also revealed itself to possess a serious design flaw in its electrical system and numerous Nanos were shown going ablaze on the news around the world. Tata Motors’ failure to meet its own initial proposition has been blamed on numerous factors from rising metal costs to insufficient management planning (Eyring, 2011). Consumers have reacted very negatively to such a public failure and Tata Motors’ seeming disability to live up to its initial promise and value proposition to them. Sales were affected badly as Tata announced that it had sold only 509units of Nano in November 2010. (Bajaj, 2010)Faced with such a threatening decline in sales number Nano has added another dimension to affordability, one of its proposed value propositions. Using its vast network and influence in India, Tata has started to sell Nano outside of its dealerships. These new locations include places such as grocery retail locations and brings these cars closer to the people it targets. Tata has also said that it is actively seeking reasonable financing plans to help its customers make the car more affordable (Mint. , 2011). As rollout of their new model Indica progresses in China, many are waiting to see if the lessons learned in India will allow Tata Motors to fully deliver its value propositions to this customer segment (Accord Fintech, 201). The other market segment Tata Motors targets is the wealthy individuals and families looking to buy a luxury car. These offerings are represented by their Land Rover and Jaguar lines (Tata Group). The value proposition offered to this segment is to provide automobiles that consumers can trust and depend upon while giving them a sense of high-class self-satisfaction. As a brand name previously belonging to Ford motors and less recognized as a â€Å"Tata brand† than its Nano and Indica lines, these two brands have largely escaped the recent escapades brought on by Tata’s previously discussed public failures. Tata has expressed a hope to finance their long term projects with the steady incomes coming from these two lines (Tata Group, 2010).